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Our Rules for Contributors


Anyone who would love to be part of our contributing team, must agree to all these rules.


Anything written for news articles must contain facts and be truthful.  Articles must be written by the reporter/journalist and may not be taken from other sources unless permission is given and credibility is applied.


Any scripture quotations used must come only from the KJV.


Photography taken and published cannot contain children unless the guardian gives a written letter of permission for use on all social media platforms as well as our website.


All posts, literary excerpts, photos, etc.  Will be carefully scrutinized and edited by our editorial team.  Anything we feel does not comply with our rules and standards will be removed or not published.


Other photos may not be used in this newspaper, unless taken by our photographers or permission is given and credibility is posted.


We have the right to reject anything we feel does not support our cause or goes against the Constitution of the United States!

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